Liberal Students Union, Stockholm, Chairman 1966-67.
Young Liberals, Deputy Board member 1970-71.
Liberal Party Board, member 1982-91. Here with party leader Per Ahlmark, in his office and with his successor, Bengt Westerberg, after the Baltic Peace and Freedom Cruise, 1985.
Liberal Party International Fund. Chairman, 1982-1991.
Svedish Parliament, Acting Deputy member 1982.
with Queen (Silvia of Sweden) in Brazil 1984. Real King somewhat in
background this time...
Estonian Liberal Party (in Sweden), Board member since 1973.
Estonian Liberal Party (in Estonia), Founding member 1990; party is now called Reformierakond (Reform Party) and has participated in Government.
“Exile Parlament" Estonian Representation in Sweden, Member since 1977, highest number of votes (together with another journalist/ writer Ülo Ignats) in most elections from the 1970´s through the 1990´s.
Estonian Chairman for the Baltic Peace and Freedom Cruise (BPFC) during Summer 1985. To the left my then 11 year old Daniel with a Latvian "fellow prisoner", Atis Lejins (US born researcher with the Foreign Policy Association - first in Stockholm and then in Riga, whose book "Gäst hos KGB" (Guest at KGB´s, Stockholm 1983 I had prefaced). To the right my wife with Daniel and my then soon-to-be 7 year old Emilie:
Member of several other Estonian and Baltic organisations like students´ corporation Vironia, Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS), Estonian Committee, Estonian Information Center and Swedish-Estonian Friendship Association.
Congress of Estonia, elected Member in Spring 1990 with highest number of votes among all Swedish-Estonian candidates.
Advisor to Estonia´s "President" (more correctly Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Estonia) and Government.
One of the four founders of the Monday movement for the support of the Baltic nations, 1990-92.
last meeting with the Monday movement together with the other founders.
The first meeting was spontaneously organized at a central square
in Stockholm, Norrmalmstorg, in March 1990 and the last one in September
1991when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania had regained their independence.
Every Monday at 12 am we gathered - 79 Mondays in a row. To begin
with only in the capital and then all over the country. The speakers came
from all the Baltic and Nordic and several European countries, the
US etc. the Monday movement probably contributed to the change of
mind of the Swedish Government, from negative to luke-warm to quite warm
support for the peaceful freedom struggle of their long forgotten Baltic
neighbours. From the left Liberal MP Håkan Holmberg, me,
Gunnar Hökmark (then Conservative MP and later also Party Secretary)
and Peeter Luksep (then Conservative MP and now Chairman of the Union
of Swedish Estonians).
Amnesty International, Deputy Board member in the Swedish Section in the early 1970´s.
Resistance International (RI), Chairman of the Swedish Section, 1984-86.
Svedish Immigrant Writers´ Association (SVIFF), Chairman 1984-86.
Freedom of Sweden, Chairman from the founding of this civil rights organization in Autumn 1985; after the merger with a similar organization Deputy Chairman 1988-90 and Chairman 1990-93 of the merged organization, Citizens´ Rights Movement iFreedom of Sweden (Medborgarrättsrörelsen Friheten i Sverige).
Member of a number of organizations from and the East European Solidarity Committee to the Swedish Writers´and Journalists´ Associations.
Lobbying for the freedom and independence of the Baltic nations with great personalities (but small persons): from left President/ poet Léopold Sédar Senghor of Senegal, former US Foreign Secretary Henry Kissinger and Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme (who was not very heroic in Baltic question, especially given the fact that his own mother was born in Latvia):